All travellers
- Valid passport for at least six (6) months after your planned date of arrival into Kenya, with at least one blank page
- Selfie or passport-type photo
- Contact information, email address and phone number
- Details of your arrival and departure itinerary
- Accommodation booking confirmation(s)
- Credit card, debit card or other means of payment
Travellers arriving for business
- Invitation letter from company
- Copy of registration of the company
Travellers visiting family
- Invitation letter from family/host
- Identity card/Passport/Alien card/Entry permit of the family member/host
Diplomatic travel
- A Diplomatic, Official and Service passport
- An official letter from the Country of Origin/Organisation/ Foreign Affairs.
Processing time is three (3) working days but in some cases it may take longer.
Kenya Visa Cost – Rs.3,100/- (Exchange Rates are Subjected to changes)
FourwaysVisa Service Charges – Rs.500 (+GST)